
Monday Motivation – April 29, 2024

When I look at God’s beautiful creation, I am reminded that, since he is powerful enough to do that, I can trust him with my life as well. . . . Yesterday, we went for a walk/kids scootering. During our snack break, a squirrel unexpectedly joined us. My kids offered him a piece of Cheetos… Continue reading Monday Motivation – April 29, 2024


Monday Motivation – April 1, 2024

It’s never too late… To change your mind. To start again. To begin a new career. To focus on your health. To dream bigger dreams. To say sorry. To find love. To educate yourself. To slow down. To notice the beauty around you. To say I love you. To forgive. To love yourself a little… Continue reading Monday Motivation – April 1, 2024


The “No” Strategy

How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals? I had a hard time saying 'no' during my twenties. I often found myself trying to please everyone around me - my family, friends, community, and so on. I wanted to be the 'perfect girl' that I thought I should be.… Continue reading The “No” Strategy